Age-Friendly Business Lunch
Learn how you can adapt your business to meet the needs of our changing population?
The ageing population presents a significant opportunity for businesses and service providers.
Over twenty percent of our local population is now aged 65 or older and this will continue to grow. Businesses can no longer take their older customers and clients for granted. People have choices and will purchase goods and services from businesses who understand their needs.
Over lunch hear from Geoff Pearman who will help you think differently about your business and the opportunities you have on your doorstep:
- Population changes and why adaption is important
- An interview with a local business who have seen the benefits
- Q & A
Geoff Pearman MNZM (Partners in Change) is recognised for his expertise in the field of ageing, work and business. For the past 14 years he has assisted organisations in New Zealand and Australia adapt to the ageing of the population.